Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Paint

Hey Crew.

So, good news, I managed to find a place in Brooklyn, NY that says they can have the parts to me by the end of next week. Hopefully they hold true to that and I do get the parts then. In the mean time I have painted the engine up real nice in black. Take a look, let me know what you think. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Peter VS The Engine

Hey Crew.

So I got this new cylinder and piston kit for my Vespa. The install went a little bit less perfect than i had hoped. Everything was going well until my crappy torque wrench gave an incorrect reading and i broke a big stud bolt that holds the whole engine together. SO...now I have to wait for the new part to come in from the UK. Looks like i'm taking the subway again for a while. :(